path: root/main.odin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'main.odin')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main.odin b/main.odin
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..03f1655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.odin
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+package main
+import "core:fmt"
+import "core:os"
+import "core:path/filepath"
+import "core:strings"
+PART_ONE :: #load("start.html", string)
+PART_TWO :: #load("start2.html", string)
+PART_END :: #load("end.html", string)
+main :: proc() {
+ input_file_name : string
+ if len(os.args) < 2 {
+ // Attempt to auto-detect CSVs, but filepath.glob is broken.
+ // It doesn't return anything if you run the exe from a PATH folder.
+ /* fmt.println("No file submitted. Using first CSV found.")
+ glob_pattern := fmt.aprintf("{}\\*.*", os.get_current_directory())
+ fmt.println(glob_pattern)
+ csvs, _ := filepath.glob(glob_pattern)
+ fmt.println(csvs)
+ input_file_name = csvs[0] */
+ fmt.println("ERROR: No file submitted.")
+ return
+ } else {
+ fmt.printf("Input CSV: {}\n", os.args[1])
+ input_file_name = os.args[1]
+ }
+ // Reading CSV file
+ data, ok := os.read_entire_file(input_file_name, context.allocator)
+ if !ok {
+ fmt.printf("ERROR: Could not read file: {}\n", os.args[1])
+ return
+ }
+ defer delete(data, context.allocator)
+ total_output: string = PART_ONE // Page title
+ total_output = append(total_output, fmt.aprintf("{} - Lydrapport", input_file_name[len(input_file_name)-17:len(input_file_name)-11]))
+ total_output = append(total_output, PART_TWO)
+ it := string(data)
+ // First we do a pass to find out at what column the channels start and end,
+ // and to find out how many channels we actually use at maximum.
+ // This will let us compress the channel columns to only what is needed.
+ tracks_start := 0
+ tracks_end := 0
+ max_tracks := 0
+ line_index := 0
+ for line in strings.split_lines_iterator(&it) {
+ tracks_seen_this_line := 0
+ for element, e in strings.split(line, ",") {
+ if element == "Trk 1" {
+ tracks_start = e
+ fmt.printf("Tracks start at: {}\n", tracks_start)
+ }
+ if element == "Notes" {
+ tracks_end = e-1
+ fmt.printf("Tracks end at: {}\n", tracks_end)
+ }
+ if e >= tracks_start && tracks_end >= e { // If there's anything in the range of where tracks are, count it
+ if element != "" do tracks_seen_this_line += 1
+ }
+ }
+ // Update the max
+ if tracks_seen_this_line > max_tracks {
+ max_tracks = tracks_seen_this_line
+ fmt.printf("Highest track count so far found on line {}, with {} tracks.\n", line_index, max_tracks)
+ }
+ line_index += 1
+ }
+ potensial_tracks := tracks_end+1 - tracks_start
+ unused_tracks := potensial_tracks - max_tracks
+ // Now we output the HTML.
+ it = string(data)
+ line_index = 0
+ blank_lines := 0
+ state : states = .TITLE
+ time_in_state := 0
+ info_reading_to_field := true
+ for line in strings.split_lines_iterator(&it) {
+ //fmt.printf("state.{} line_index:{} t:{} blank_lines:{} : \t", state, line_index, time_in_state, blank_lines)
+ there_was_content_in_line := false
+ // Writing the headers and section stuff.
+ #partial switch state {
+ case .HEADER:
+ if time_in_state == 1 do total_output = append(total_output, " <table>\n <thead>\n <tr class=\"header-tr\">\n")
+ case .BODY:
+ total_output = append(total_output, " <tr>\n")
+ }
+ columns_skipped := 0
+ for element, e in strings.split(line, ",") {
+ if len(element)> 0 do there_was_content_in_line = true
+ if len(element)> 0 do blank_lines = 0
+ // Filling the row of data
+ switch state {
+ case .TITLE:
+ //fmt.printf("{} T ", element)
+ case .INFO:
+ //fmt.printf("{} I ", element)
+ if len(element)>0 {
+ if info_reading_to_field {
+ total_output = append(total_output, fmt.aprintf(" <p><b>{}</b>", element))
+ } else {
+ total_output = append(total_output, fmt.aprintf(" {}</p>\n", element[1:len(element)-1]))
+ }
+ info_reading_to_field = !info_reading_to_field
+ }
+ case .HEADER:
+ //fmt.printf("{} H ", element)
+ if time_in_state == 1 {
+ if e == 4 { // Magic number to select the default sorting column
+ total_output = append(total_output, fmt.aprintf(" <th class=\"current-sort\">{}</th>\n", element))
+ } else if e <= tracks_start+max_tracks-1 || e > tracks_end {
+ total_output = append(total_output, fmt.aprintf(" <th>{}</th>\n", element))
+ }
+ }
+ case .BODY:
+ //fmt.printf("{} B ", element)
+ if e == tracks_end+1 {
+ for _ in 0..<(columns_skipped - unused_tracks) { // Add padding so note at end ligns up
+ total_output = append(total_output, " <td></td>\n")
+ }
+ }
+ if element != "" {
+ if e >= tracks_start {
+ total_output = append(total_output, fmt.aprintf(" <td>{}</td>\n", element[1:len(element)-1]))
+ /*} else if e == 0 { // Making filename a link to the file
+ total_output = append(total_output, fmt.aprintf(" <td><a href=\"{}\">{}</a></td>\n", element, element))*/
+ } else {
+ total_output = append(total_output, fmt.aprintf(" <td>{}</td>\n", element))
+ }
+ } else {
+ columns_skipped += 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Advancing state machine and finishing off divs n stuff
+ switch state {
+ case .TITLE:
+ if line_index==1 {
+ state = .INFO
+ time_in_state = 0
+ }
+ case .INFO:
+ if blank_lines > 1 {
+ total_output = append(total_output, " </div>\n </div>\n")
+ state = .HEADER
+ time_in_state = 0
+ }
+ case .HEADER:
+ if blank_lines > 0 {
+ state = .BODY
+ time_in_state = 0
+ total_output = append(total_output, " </tr>\n </thead>\n <tbody>\n")
+ }
+ case .BODY:
+ total_output = append(total_output, " </tr>\n")
+ }
+ if there_was_content_in_line {
+ blank_lines = 0
+ } else {
+ blank_lines += 1
+ }
+ //fmt.printf("\n")
+ line_index += 1
+ time_in_state += 1
+ }
+ total_output = append(total_output, PART_END)
+ output_file_name := fmt.aprintf("{}_Knekt.html", os.args[1][:len(os.args[1])-4])
+ os.remove(output_file_name)
+ output_file_handle, _ := os.open(output_file_name, os.O_CREATE, 0o777)
+ os.write_string(output_file_handle, "") // TODO: Figure out how to write this to a file
+ os.write_string(output_file_handle, total_output) // TODO: Figure out how to write this to a file
+ os.close(output_file_handle)
+ fmt.printf("Wrote file: {}", output_file_name)
+ //fmt.printf("\n\n\nTOTAL OUTPUT:\n\n\n")
+ //fmt.println(total_output)
+append :: proc(input, to_add: string) -> string {
+ output := strings.concatenate({input, to_add})
+ //delete(to_add)
+ //delete(input)
+ return output
+states :: enum {
+} \ No newline at end of file