package main import "core:fmt" import "core:math" import "core:strings" import rl "vendor:raylib" main :: proc() { workdays: [dynamic]^Workday default_workday: = new_workday({10, 22, 4, 5, 2023}, {00, 08, 5, 5, 2023}, {00, 22, 6, 5, 2023}, {30, 21, 5, 5, 2023}) append(&workdays, &default_workday) append(&workdays, &default_workday) append(&workdays, &default_workday) append(&workdays, &default_workday) call_text: cstring = "noffin" wrap_text: cstring = "noffin" total_sum: cstring = "3500 NOK + 26%" inc_soc: cstring = "4276 NOK" text_height: f32 using rl width: i32 = 500 height: i32 = 400 InitWindow(width, height, "satscalc") defer CloseWindow() SetTargetFPS(60) SetWindowState({.WINDOW_RESIZABLE}) SetWindowMinSize(width, height) // Loading fonts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - font_size :: 18 font: Font = LoadFontEx("res/UbuntuMono-Regular.ttf", font_size, nil, 0) defer UnloadFont(font) small_font_size :: 14 small_font: Font = LoadFontEx("res/UbuntuMono-Regular.ttf", small_font_size, nil, 0) defer UnloadFont(small_font) big_font_size :: 24 big_font: Font = LoadFontEx("res/UbuntuMono-Regular.ttf", big_font_size, nil, 0) defer UnloadFont(big_font) for !WindowShouldClose() { if IsWindowResized() { height = GetScreenHeight() width = GetScreenWidth() fmt.println("Resized to:", width, 'x', height) } // TODO: Find a good way to calculate the size and location // of all the timeblocks in every day. // // I know I want them to scale with the window, and // that the width of them should be normalized. // If you add a day that lasts until 4 AM the morning // after, all the other days should scale down to keep // the vertical alignment of time accurate // // TODO: Hovering over a timeblock should put a white border // around the timeblock's timeline square, and display // information about the block in the bottom left of // the screen. // DRAW // ------------------------------------------ BeginDrawing() ClearBackground(BGCOLOR) //DrawTextEx(font, "Test text", {20, 20}, 18, 0, RAYWHITE); for day, i in workdays { DrawRectangle(10, DAY_HEIGHT*i32(i+1)-4, width-20, DAY_HEIGHT-1, PBGCOLOR) for block in day.blocks { DrawRectangle(80, DAY_HEIGHT*i32(i+1)-4, width-170, DAY_HEIGHT-1, BLUE) } call_text = strings.clone_to_cstring(clockprint( wrap_text = strings.clone_to_cstring(clockprint(day.wrap)) text_height = math.round(f32(i+1)*DAY_HEIGHT+(DAY_HEIGHT-font_size)*0.25) DrawTextEx(font, call_text, {20, text_height}, font_size, 0, RAYWHITE); DrawTextEx(font, wrap_text, {f32(width)-70, text_height}, font_size, 0, RAYWHITE); if i == len(workdays)-1 { DrawTextEx(big_font, "+", {20, DAY_HEIGHT*f32(i+2)}, big_font_size, 0, RAYWHITE) } } DrawRectangle(0, height-50, width+10, 60, PBGCOLOR) DrawTextEx(small_font, total_sum, {f32(width)-120, f32(height)-43}, small_font_size, 0, RAYWHITE); DrawTextEx(big_font, inc_soc, {f32(width)-120, f32(height)-29}, big_font_size, 0, RAYWHITE); EndDrawing() } } BGCOLOR : rl.Color : {30, 30, 30, 255} PBGCOLOR : rl.Color : {40, 40, 40, 255} DAY_HEIGHT :: 35