/* satscalc - software to help with billing for Norwegian film workers Copyright (C) 2022 Sander Skjegstad This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/ */ // TODO: Write function/method/constructor that slices a workday up into the differently priced segments // TODO: Make the system that determines the price of each of those slices of time // TODO: Add ruleset selector (That only allows you to pick the advert ruleset at first) #include #include "time.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if(argc > 1){ if(std::string(argv[1])=="test") { moment calltime{30, 8, 27, 11, 2010}; moment wraptime{30, 16, 27, 11, 2010}; timeblock workday{calltime, wraptime}; std::cout << "\n\n --- TIME UNITS TEST ---\n\n"; std::cout << "Calltime: " << timeprint(calltime) << std::endl; std::cout << "Wraptime: " << timeprint(wraptime) << std::endl; std::cout << "\nWorkday:\n"; std::cout << timeprint(workday) << std::endl; std::cout << "\n\n --- TIME MATH TEST ---\n\n"; std::cout << "Difference between calltime and wraptime:\n"; std::cout << (calltime-wraptime) << std::endl; std::cout << "Other way around, should show same result:\n"; std::cout << (calltime-wraptime) << std::endl; std::cout << "As method on workday:\n"; std::cout << (workday.hourcount()) << std::endl; std::cout << "\nSplitting workday into workday and second_half...\n"; moment splitpoint{0, 12, 27, 11, 2010}; timeblock first_half{timesplit(workday, splitpoint)}; std::cout << "\nSplitpoint: " << timeprint(splitpoint) << std::endl; std::cout << "\nfirst_half:\n"; std::cout << timeprint(first_half) << std::endl; std::cout << "\nWorkday:\n"; std::cout << timeprint(workday) << std::endl; std::cout << "\nSplitting second_half at erronious point...\n"; moment erronious_splitpoint{0, 14, 27, 11, 2010}; std::cout << timeprint(timesplit(first_half, erronious_splitpoint)) << "\n"; std::cout << "\n\n --- TIME WINDING TEST ---\n\n"; moment testtime{30, 8, 25, 2, 2012}; std::cout << "Testtime: " << timeprint(testtime) << std::endl; std::cout << "\nForwarding 45 minutes...\n"; wind(testtime, 45, 0, 0); std::cout << "Testtime: " << timeprint(testtime) << std::endl; std::cout << "\nRewinding 45 minutes...\n"; wind(testtime, -45, 0, 0); std::cout << "Testtime: " << timeprint(testtime) << std::endl; std::cout << "\nForwarding 20 hours...\n"; wind(testtime, 0, 20, 0); std::cout << "Testtime: " << timeprint(testtime) << std::endl; std::cout << "\nRewinding 20 hours...\n"; wind(testtime, 0, -20, 0); std::cout << "Testtime: " << timeprint(testtime) << std::endl; std::cout << "\nForwarding 10 days...\n"; wind(testtime, 0, 0, 10); std::cout << "Testtime: " << timeprint(testtime) << std::endl; std::cout << "\nRewinding 10 days...\n"; wind(testtime, 0, 0, -10); std::cout << "Testtime: " << timeprint(testtime) << std::endl; std::cout << "\n\n --- TIME INPUT TEST ---\n\n"; moment inputmoment = timeinput(); std::cout << "Time reveived: " << timeprint(inputmoment) << std::endl; moment inputmoment2 = timeinput(2012, 11, 26); std::cout << "Time reveived: " << timeprint(inputmoment2) << std::endl; } } else { std::cout << "satscalc (C++ Edition)\n"; std::cout << "Copyright 2022 Sander J. Skjegstad.\n"; std::cout << "This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRENTY.\n"; std::cout << "It does NOT give financial advice.\n\n"; std::cout << "-----\nStep 0: Setting the dayrate\n\n"; //int dayrate_input; //std::cout << "What is your dayrate? "; //std::cin >> dayrate_input; const int dayrate = 3338; std::cout << "Dayrate: " << dayrate << "\n"; const double hourly_rate = dayrate/7.5; std::cout << "Hourly rate: " << hourly_rate << "\n\n"; std::cout << "-----\nStep 1: Adding the days\n\n"; while(1) { std::cout << "Filling in a test-day, and that's it.\n"; std::cout << "Storing multiple workdays in an efficient way will be figured out later." << std::endl; workday test_day({0, 0, 1, 1, 1000}, {0, 8, 20, 11, 2022}, {0, 21, 20, 11, 2022}, {0, 18, 20, 11, 2022}); std::cout << "\nCalltime: " << timeprint(test_day.call) << "\n"; std::cout << "Wraptime: " << timeprint(test_day.wrap) << "\n"; std::cout << "Planned wrap: " << timeprint(test_day.planned_wrap) << "\n\n"; for(int i=0; i