path: root/src/main.odin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main.odin')
1 files changed, 222 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/src/main.odin b/src/main.odin
index 8199e65..698f044 100644
--- a/src/main.odin
+++ b/src/main.odin
@@ -1,11 +1,24 @@
package main
+import "../lib/oui"
import "core:fmt"
import "core:math"
import "core:slice"
+import "core:runtime"
import "core:strings"
import rl "vendor:raylib"
+UBUNTU_MONO := #load("../res/UbuntuMono-Regular.ttf")
+font : rl.Font
+big_font : rl.Font
+small_font : rl.Font
+FRACT_MIN : f32 = 0.0
+FRACT_MAX : f32 = 1.0
+c0 : ^oui.Context
main :: proc() {
// TODO: Replace the dynamic array of Workday-pointers with
@@ -92,18 +105,20 @@ main :: proc() {
SetWindowMinSize(width, height)
// Loading fonts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- font_size :: 18
- font: Font = LoadFontEx("res/UbuntuMono-Regular.ttf", font_size, nil, 0)
- defer UnloadFont(font)
- small_font_size :: 14
- small_font: Font = LoadFontEx("res/UbuntuMono-Regular.ttf", small_font_size, nil, 0)
- defer UnloadFont(small_font)
- big_font_size :: 24
- big_font: Font = LoadFontEx("res/UbuntuMono-Regular.ttf", big_font_size, nil, 0)
+ small_font = LoadFontFromMemory(".ttf", raw_data(UBUNTU_MONO), i32(len(UBUNTU_MONO)), 14, nil, 0)
+ font = LoadFontFromMemory(".ttf", raw_data(UBUNTU_MONO), i32(len(UBUNTU_MONO)), 18, nil, 0)
+ big_font = LoadFontFromMemory(".ttf", raw_data(UBUNTU_MONO), i32(len(UBUNTU_MONO)), 24, nil, 0)
defer UnloadFont(big_font)
+ defer UnloadFont(font)
+ defer UnloadFont(small_font)
+ // oui stuff
+ c0 = new(oui.Context)
+ defer free(c0)
+ oui.context_init(c0, 2048, 2048 * 8)
+ defer oui.context_destroy(c0)
// Setting up the timelines
@@ -122,6 +137,8 @@ main :: proc() {
for !WindowShouldClose() { // MAIN LOOP ---- MAIN LOOP ---- MAIN LOOP ---- MAIN LOOP
+ free_all(context.temp_allocator)
if IsWindowResized() {
height = GetScreenHeight()
width = GetScreenWidth()
@@ -142,16 +159,194 @@ main :: proc() {
// clicking will put a white border around the timeblock,
// and display information about the block in the
// bottom left of the screen.
+ mousePosition: = rl.GetMousePosition()
+ oui.set_cursor(c0, int(mousePosition.x), int(mousePosition.y))
+ if rl.IsMouseButtonPressed(rl.MouseButton(0)) do oui.set_button(c0, .Left, true)
+ if rl.IsMouseButtonReleased(rl.MouseButton(0)) do oui.set_button(c0, .Left, false)
// ------------------------------------------
- ClearBackground(BGCOLOR)
- DrawTextEx(font, "Date", {20, 8}, font_size, 0, RAYWHITE);
- DrawTextEx(font, "Calltime", {105, 8}, font_size, 0, RAYWHITE);
- DrawTextEx(font, "Wraptime", {f32(width)-83, 8}, font_size, 0, RAYWHITE);
+ ClearBackground(rl.RED)
+when true {
+ // hotloop
+ oui.begin_layout(c0)
+ master_container := panel()
+ master_container.id = oui.push_id(c0, "big_mr_boss_man") // Make ID for master thing just because.
+ // Does not need to be freed because master.
+ master_container.layout = .Absolute
+ master_container.sort_children = true
+ master_container.layout_size = {int(GetScreenWidth()), int(GetScreenHeight())}
+ {
+ top_bar := panel_line(master_container, theme.background_bar, 30)
+ top_bar.id = oui.push_id(c0, "top_bar") // Make ID for anything that will have children.
+ defer oui.pop_id(c0) // They must be pop'ed before the next equal-in-hiarchy item
+ top_bar.layout_margin = 10
+ oui.item_insert(top_bar, label("Date", font, sizings.date, .Center))
+ oui.item_insert(top_bar, label("Calltimes", font, sizings.call, .Center))
+ top_bar.layout_cut_children = .Right
+ oui.item_insert(top_bar, label("Price", font, sizings.price, .Center))
+ oui.item_insert(top_bar, label("Wrap", font, sizings.wrap, .Center))
+ top_bar.layout_cut_children = .Fill
+ oui.item_insert(top_bar, label("Timeline", font, 0, .Center))
+ }
+ {
+ bottom_bar := panel(theme.background_bar)
+ bottom_bar.id = oui.push_id(c0, "bottom_bar")
+ defer oui.pop_id(c0)
+ bottom_bar.layout_cut_children = .Left
+ master_container.layout_cut_children = .Bottom
+ bottom_bar.z_index = 10 // Makes this render over/after the middle section
+ bottom_bar.layout_size.y = 50
+ bottom_bar.layout_margin = 10 // Spacing from edges
+ bottom_bar.layout_cut_gap = 5 // Spacing between children
+ oui.item_insert(master_container, bottom_bar)
+ price_reason := label("Reason for price of highlighted timeblock", font, 300,)
+ bottom_bar.layout_cut_children = .Left
+ oui.item_insert(bottom_bar, price_reason)
+ totals := panel(theme.background_bar)
+ totals.layout_cut_children = .Top
+ totals.layout_size.x = 50
+ bottom_bar.layout_cut_children = .Right
+ oui.item_insert(bottom_bar, totals)
+ pre_sos_price := label("120 000 kr", small_font, 0, .Right)
+ pre_sos_price.layout_size.y = 11
+ oui.item_insert(totals, pre_sos_price)
+ post_sos_price := label("160 000 kr", big_font, 300, .Right)
+ post_sos_price.layout_size.y = 27
+ oui.item_insert(totals, post_sos_price)
+ }
+ {
+ middle_section := panel(theme.background)
+ middle_section.id = oui.push_id(c0, "middle_section")
+ defer oui.pop_id(c0)
+ middle_section.layout_margin = 10 // Spacing from edges
+ middle_section.layout_cut_gap = sizings.inter_timeline // Spacing between children
+ master_container.layout_cut_children = .Fill
+ oui.item_insert(master_container, middle_section)
+ // - - - - WORKDAYS - - - -
+ FRACT_MAX = workdays[0].fractions[0].start
+ FRACT_MIN = FRACT_MAX // TODO: Optimize this. It doesn't need to re-calculated every frame
+ for day, i in &workdays {
+ for fract, i in day.fractions {
+ if fract.start < FRACT_MIN do FRACT_MIN = fract.start
+ if fract.end > FRACT_MAX do FRACT_MAX = fract.end
+ if i+1 == day.total_timeblocks do break
+ }
+ line := panel_line(middle_section, theme.background)
+ line.layout_cut_children = .Left
+ line.layout_cut_gap = 0
+ line.layout_margin = 0
+ line.layout_size.y = sizings.timeline
+ oui.item_insert(line, label(dayprint(day.call), font, sizings.date, .Center))
+ oui.item_insert(line, label(clockprint(day.call), font, sizings.call, .Center))
+ line.layout_cut_children = .Right
+ oui.item_insert(line, label("3500 kr", font, sizings.price, .Center))
+ oui.item_insert(line, label(clockprint(day.wrap), font, sizings.wrap, .Center))
+ line.layout_cut_children = .Fill
+ timeline(line, &day)
+ }
+ new_workday := button("+", 100)
+ middle_section.layout_cut_children = .Top
+ oui.item_insert(middle_section, new_workday)
+ if oui.is_clicked(c0, new_workday) do fmt.println("NEW WORKDAY!")
+ // - - - - SIZINGS EDITOR - - - -
+ {
+ oui.item_insert(middle_section, label("Sizings Editor", big_font, 100, .Center))
+ // To loop over the members of a struct you need to do this goofy shit:
+ info := runtime.type_info_base(type_info_of(Sizings))
+ st := info.variant.(runtime.Type_Info_Struct)
+ root := uintptr(&sizings)
+ for offset, i in st.offsets {
+ line := panel_line(middle_section, theme.background, 25)
+ line.id = oui.push_id(c0, fmt.tprintf("sizings_line_%d", i))
+ defer oui.pop_id(c0)
+ oui.item_insert(line, label(st.names[i], font, ))
+ // To then access the member of the struct you're looping over
+ // you need to do this shit:
+ // v----------------------v
+ current_value := cast(^int) (root+offset)
+ oui.item_insert(line, slider_int(fmt.tprintf("sizings-%d", i), fmt.tprintf("%d", current_value^), 300, current_value, 0, 200))
+ }
+ output_button := button("output sizings", 100)
+ middle_section.layout_cut_children = .Top
+ oui.item_insert(middle_section, output_button)
+ if oui.is_clicked(c0, output_button) do fmt.printf("%#v", sizings)
+ }
+ // - - - - THEME EDITOR - - - -
+ {
+ oui.item_insert(middle_section, label("Theme Editor", big_font, 100, .Center))
+ // To loop over the members of a struct you need to do this goofy shit:
+ info := runtime.type_info_base(type_info_of(Theme))
+ st := info.variant.(runtime.Type_Info_Struct)
+ root := uintptr(&theme)
+ for offset, i in st.offsets {
+ line := panel_line(middle_section, theme.background, 25)
+ line.layout_cut_gap = 10
+ line.id = oui.push_id(c0, fmt.tprintf("line_%d", i))
+ defer oui.pop_id(c0)
+ oui.item_insert(line, label(st.names[i], font, ))
+ // To then access the member of the struct you're looping over
+ // you need to do this shit:
+ // v------------------------v
+ color_sliders(line, cast(^Color) (root+offset))
+ }
+ output_theme_button := button("output theme", 100)
+ middle_section.layout_cut_children = .Top
+ oui.item_insert(middle_section, output_theme_button)
+ if oui.is_clicked(c0, output_theme_button) do fmt.printf("%#v", theme)
+ }
+ }
+ oui.end_layout(c0)
+ ui_draw(master_container)
+ oui.process(c0)
+} else {
+ DrawTextEx(font, "Date", {20, 8}, f32(font.baseSize), 0, RAYWHITE);
+ DrawTextEx(font, "Calltime", {105, 8}, f32(font.baseSize), 0, RAYWHITE);
+ DrawTextEx(font, "Wraptime", {f32(width)-83, 8}, f32(font.baseSize), 0, RAYWHITE);
for day, i in workdays {
@@ -164,17 +359,17 @@ main :: proc() {
// (At least, given how lunch breaks are currently implemented,
// as holes in the workday)
- DrawRectangle(10, DAY_HEIGHT*i32(i+1)-4, width-20, DAY_HEIGHT-1, PBGCOLOR)
+ DrawRectangle(10, DAY_HEIGHT*i32(i+1)-4, width-20, DAY_HEIGHT-1, theme.background_bar)
for block, j in day.blocks {
if j == day.total_timeblocks do break
- block_color: = GREEN
+ block_color: = theme.price_100
switch {
case block.value > 2.1:
- block_color = PURPLE
+ block_color = theme.price_300
case block.value > 1.6:
- block_color = RED
+ block_color = theme.price_200
case block.value > 1.1:
- block_color = ORANGE
+ block_color = theme.price_150
@@ -188,28 +383,21 @@ main :: proc() {
copy(wrap_text, clockprint(day.wrap))
copy(date_text, toString(day.call))
- text_height = math.round(f32(i+1)*DAY_HEIGHT+(DAY_HEIGHT-font_size)*0.25)
+ text_height := math.round(f32(i+1)*DAY_HEIGHT+(DAY_HEIGHT-f32(font.baseSize))*0.25)
- DrawTextEx(font, cstring(&date_text[0]), {20, text_height}, font_size, 0, RAYWHITE);
- DrawTextEx(font, cstring(&wrap_text[0]), {f32(width)-70, text_height}, font_size, 0, RAYWHITE);
+ DrawTextEx(font, cstring(&date_text[0]), {20, text_height}, f32(font.baseSize), 0, RAYWHITE);
+ DrawTextEx(font, cstring(&wrap_text[0]), {f32(width)-70, text_height}, f32(font.baseSize), 0, RAYWHITE);
if i == len(workdays)-1 {
- DrawTextEx(big_font, "+", {20, DAY_HEIGHT*f32(i+2)}, big_font_size, 0, RAYWHITE)
+ DrawTextEx(big_font, "+", {20, DAY_HEIGHT*f32(i+2)}, f32(big_font.baseSize), 0, RAYWHITE)
- DrawRectangle(0, height-50, width+10, 60, PBGCOLOR)
- DrawTextEx(small_font, total_sum, {f32(width)-120, f32(height)-43}, small_font_size, 0, RAYWHITE);
- DrawTextEx(big_font, inc_soc, {f32(width)-120, f32(height)-29}, big_font_size, 0, RAYWHITE);
+ DrawRectangle(0, height-50, width+10, 60, theme.background_bar)
+ DrawTextEx(small_font, total_sum, {f32(width)-120, f32(height)-43}, f32(small_font.baseSize), 0, RAYWHITE);
+ DrawTextEx(big_font, inc_soc, {f32(width)-120, f32(height)-29}, f32(big_font.baseSize), 0, RAYWHITE);
-BGCOLOR : rl.Color : {30, 30, 30, 255}
-PBGCOLOR : rl.Color : {40, 40, 40, 255}