path: root/satscalc.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'satscalc.py')
1 files changed, 150 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/satscalc.py b/satscalc.py
index c05d232..8ccf8d7 100755
--- a/satscalc.py
+++ b/satscalc.py
@@ -1,13 +1,6 @@
#!usr/bin/env python3
-import datetime
-class workday:
- def __init__(self, calltime, wraptime, ot_warned=True, warned_until=wraptime):
- self.call = calltime
- self.wrap = wraptime
- self.otw = ot_warned
- self.ott = warned_until
+import datetime
def timeInput(prompt, fulldate=False):
@@ -32,64 +25,167 @@ def timeInput(prompt, fulldate=False):
return t
+def hours_between(time1, time2):
+ """Returns the difference beween two times."""
+ if time2 > time1:
+ return (time2 - time1).total_seconds()/3600
+ return (time1 - time2).total_seconds()/3600
+def calc_overtime_factor(hours, warned):
+ """Loops through and sums together hour-pay-factor for every hour of overtime"""
+ output = 0
+ hours_passed = 1
+ if warned:
+ time_and_half_length = 3
+ else:
+ time_and_half_length = 1
+ while hours > 0:
+ if hours_passed <= time_and_half_length:
+ # 50% extra for the first 3 hours of warned overtime, first 1 hour of unwarned.
+ output += 1.5 * min(1, hours)
+ elif hours_passed <= 7:
+ # 100% extra for all overtime beyond 3 hours.
+ output += 2 * min(1, hours)
+ else:
+ # 200% extra for all overtime beyond 7 hours.
+ # FIXME: The actual rule is 200% extra for anything beyond a 14-hour day, but since there is no support for pre-call work yet, this is fine. For now.
+ output += 3 * min(1, hours)
+ hours -= 1
+ hours_passed += 1
+ return output
def floatify(hour, minutes):
# Turns hour and minute into a single float that is easier to do math with
return float(hour+(minutes/60.0))
-baserate = int(input("What's your base dayrate (sats)? "))
-hourly_rate = baserate/7.5
-print("Hourly rate:", str(hourly_rate))
-print("\nTime to add your hours of work.")
-# --- Data gathering loop ---
-while True:
- calltime = timeInput("CALL TIME (24-hour format. Leave blank to continue.)", True)
- if calltime == "":
- break
- wraptime = timeInput("\nWRAP TIME (24-hour format)")
- # Giving wrap same date as call
- wraptime = wraptime.replace(year=calltime.year, month=calltime.month, day=calltime.day)
- # If clock nr at wrap is equal to or lower than call, then a day has passed.
- if floatify(wraptime.hour, wraptime.minute) <= floatify(calltime.hour, calltime.minute):
- wraptime += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
- difference = wraptime-calltime
- hours_worked = difference.total_seconds()/3600
- print("\nCalltime:",calltime)
- print("Wraptime:",wraptime)
- print("Delta:",hours_worked,"hours.\n")
+ baserate = int(input("What's your base dayrate (sats)? "))
+ hourly_rate = baserate/7.5
- # This part makes no sense. Don't worry. It'll be made to make sense.
+ print("Hourly rate:", str(hourly_rate))
- overtime = hours_worked > 8
- if overtime:
- overtime_hours = hours_worked-8
- print("Overtime detected.")
- warned_overtime = "y" in input("Was this overtime warned about before 12 o'clock the day before? [y/n]: ").lower()
- if warned_overtime:
- if "n" in input("Was it warned of entirely? [y/n] ").lower():
- #overtime_warned_until = timeInput("Until what time was it warned?")
- print("Feature not yet implemented.")
+ social_costs = not "n" in input("Add 26% social costs? [y/n] ").lower()
+ print("\nTime to add your hours of work.")
+# --- Data gathering loop ---
+ workdays = []
+ while True:
+ calltime = timeInput("CALL TIME (24-hour format. Leave blank to continue.)", True)
+ if calltime == "":
+ break
+ wraptime = timeInput("\nWRAP TIME (24-hour format)")
-# --- Price calculation ---
+ # Giving wrap same date as call
+ wraptime = wraptime.replace(year=calltime.year, month=calltime.month, day=calltime.day)
+ # If clock nr at wrap is equal to or lower than call, then a day has passed.
+ if floatify(wraptime.hour, wraptime.minute) <= floatify(calltime.hour, calltime.minute):
+ wraptime += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+ difference = wraptime-calltime
+ hours_worked = difference.total_seconds()/3600
+ print("\nCalltime:",calltime)
+ print(f"Wraptime:",wraptime)
+ print(f"Delta: {hours_worked} hours.\n")
-# NOTE:
-# First two hours of warned overtime are 50%, unwarned is 100%
-# Any work after 20:00 is overtime
-# There is a rule that you always have to invoice for 4 hours or more pr day on ad-shoots. Take this into account.
+ # This part makes no sense. Don't worry. It'll be made to make sense.
+ overtime = hours_worked > 8
+ if overtime:
+ overtime_hours = hours_worked-8
+ print("Overtime detected.")
+ warned_overtime = "y" in input("Was this overtime warned about before 12 o'clock the day before? [y/n]: ").lower()
+ if warned_overtime:
+ if "n" in input("Was it warned of entirely? [y/n] ").lower():
+ #overtime_warned_until = timeInput("Until what time was it warned?")
+ print("Feature not yet implemented.")
+ workdays.append({
+ "call": calltime,
+ "wrap": wraptime,
+ "otw": warned_overtime,
+ "ot": overtime,
+ })
+ else:
+ workdays.append({
+ "call": calltime,
+ "wrap": wraptime,
+ })
+ # --- Price calculation ---
-# Extremely naive calculation
-sum = 0
-if overtime:
- sum += overtime_hours*(hourly_rate*1.5)
+ # NOTE:
+ # First two hours of warned overtime are 50%, unwarned is 100%
+ # Any work after 20:00 is overtime
+ # There is a rule that you always have to invoice for 4 hours or more pr day on ad-shoots. Take this into account.
+ # If you get warned about some overtime, but they go beyond that, anything beyond that should be treated as thouogh it was unwarned.
+ # This means I'll have to ask for the specific time things were supposed to be done.
+ # TODO: Doesn't take weekends into account yet
+ for day_index, each_day in enumerate(workdays):
+ if day_index > 0:
+ previous_day = workdays[day_index-1]
+ # TODO: Possibly just put the stuff about 10 hours minimum between workdays here. That's a 200% bonus.
+ else:
+ previous_day = 0
+ worktime = hours_between(each_day["call"], each_day["wrap"])
+ each_day["hours"] = worktime
+ if worktime == 8:
+ each_day["category"] = "Normal day"
+ each_day["price"] = baserate
+ elif worktime > 8:
+ each_day["category"] = "Overtime"
+ overtime = worktime-8
+ ot_factor = calc_overtime_factor(overtime, each_day["otw"])
+ each_day["price"] = baserate + (hourly_rate*ot_factor)
+ elif 4 < worktime < 8:
+ each_day["category"] = "Short day"
+ overtime = worktime-8
+ each_day["price"] = hourly_rate*worktime
+ elif worktime <= 4:
+ each_day["category"] = "Sub 4-hour day"
+ each_day["price"] = hourly_rate*4
+ else:
+ print("This shouldn't be possible, something is very wrong.")
+ quit()
-print("\nDifference:", difference)
-print("Hours worked:", hours_worked)
+ # --- Printing receipt ---
+ total = 0
+ print("\n\nCalculation via satscalc by SanJacobs.")
+ print("Please note point 15 (Disclaimer of Warranty) of the GPLv3.")
+ for day_index, each_day in enumerate(workdays):
+ print("\n---")
+ print(f"Day #{day_index+1}: {each_day['call'].date()} - {each_day['category']}\n")
+ print("Calltime: " + str(each_day["call"].time()))
+ print("Finished at: " + str(each_day["wrap"].time()))
+ if "ot" in each_day:
+ print("Overtime: " + each_day["ot"] + " hour(s)")
+ print("Warned? " + each_day["otw"])
+ print("Price: " + each_day["price"])
+ total += each_day["price"]
+ print("\n\n-----")
+ print("TOTAL:", total)