from PIL import Image import glob import sys import random from os import path broke = False def brkck(**args): forcer = None if args: forcer = args[0] if broke or forcer: sys.exit() else: None # Reading the input arguments try: print("Reading input folder...") inputFolder = sys.argv[1] print(inputFolder) except: print("ERROR: Input folder argument invalid.") broke = True brkck() try: print("Reading output filename...") outputFile = sys.argv[2] print(outputFile) except: print("ERROR: Output file argument invalid.") broke = True if path.isfile(outputFile): print("WARNING: Output file already exists. What would you like to do? Overwrite, Cancel or Unique?") answer = input("[O/C/U]: ") if answer == "O" or answer == "o": None elif answer == "C" or answer == "c": broke = True elif answer == "U" or answer == "u": index = outputFile.find(".") newName = outputFile[:index] + str(random.randint(1000, 9999)) + outputFile[index:] print("New output filename: "+newName) outputFile = newName brkck() try: if "v" in sys.argv[3] or "V" in sys.argv[3]: print("Using vertical layout") horiz = False elif "h" in sys.argv[3] or "H" in sys.argv[3]: print("Using horizontal layout") horiz = True else: print(str('ERROR: "'+sys.argv[3])+'"'+" is not a recognized layout. Use H or V.") broke = True except: horiz = False brkck() # Parsing the input arguments # And setting up basic variables fileList = glob.glob(str(inputFolder+"*.*")) fileList.sort() firstFile = fileList[0] inputExtension = str(firstFile.partition(".")[1]+firstFile.partition(".")[2]) firstFile.partition(".")[2] if inputExtension: print("Input file extension found: "+inputExtension) else: print("ERROR: Input file extension not found.") broke = True brkck() outputExtension = str(outputFile.partition(".")[1]+outputFile.partition(".")[2]) if outputExtension: print("Output file extension found: "+outputExtension) elif inputExtension == ".jpg": print("Output file extension not found, using input file type, .jpg") else: print("Output file extension not found, defaulting to .png") # Setting up filmstrip buffer print("Loading first image... "+firstFile) firstImage = width = firstImage.width FSwidth = width height = firstImage.height FSheight = height colorspace = firstImage.mode print("Image attributes:") print("Width: "+str(width)) print("Height: "+str(height)) print("Colorspace: "+colorspace) if horiz: FSwidth = 0 widthAdd = width heightAdd = 0 else: FSheight = 0 heightAdd = height widthAdd = 0 print("Creating filmstrip buffer...") filmstrip =, (FSwidth, FSheight)) print("Width: "+str(filmstrip.width)) print("Height: "+str(filmstrip.height)) print("Colorspace: "+filmstrip.mode) # Adding each image to filmstrip for eachFile in fileList: print("Loading "+eachFile+"...") eachImage = # Checking files for compatabililty if inputExtension not in eachFile: print("ERROR: Filetype mismatch.") broke = True if horiz and eachImage.height != FSheight: print("ERROR: Image height mismatch.") broke = True if not horiz and eachImage.width != FSwidth: print("ERROR: Image width mismatch.") broke = True if eachImage.mode != filmstrip.mode: print("ERROR: Image colorspace mismatch") brkck() extendedStrip = filmstrip.crop(box=(0, 0, filmstrip.width+widthAdd, filmstrip.height+heightAdd)) extendedStrip.paste(eachImage, (extendedStrip.width-width, extendedStrip.height-height)) filmstrip = extendedStrip